Office Stretching Exercises

B2MV - Stretching at workplace


Working in front of computer for a long time can cause tension and pain in the muscles. Taking a few minutes of stretching exercises will help you to feel much more comfortable and achieve better concentration at work. Create a habit to stretch spontaneously during the day, whenever you feel tension. Try not to exercise only in the sitting position, but combine with standing exercises. If possible, open a window in the room where you do exercises and take off your shoes.

Take a deep breath and pay attention that exercise and stretching follows the rhythm of your breathing.

B2MV istezanje

Please download the complete set of exercises in pdf file as a reminder to do your exercise and stretching every day.


pdf B2MV Vežbe istezanja

B2MV Vezbe istezanja PDF

Pay special attention to maintain proper body position while sitting. Try not to sit at the very end of chair, but on the entire length of the thigh. Proper sitting will help you to correct the bottom of the spine and relieve neck vertebrae and the entire spine.

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Check out a video set of short stretching exercises in the workplace. Try to take ten minutes during work day for this exercise. At the end of the day you will feel less tired and you can prevent the possibility of occupational injury.


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